Most law students will admit that law school is no easy feat. We all have our own set of circumstances that impact our ability to focus, navigate and ultimately succeed.

Finances, physical health, mental health, “imposter syndrome,” educational deficiencies, proximity to campus are just some of the factors I have witnessed peers having to grapple with on their journey to the Bar. Yet so many of us do not have access to help or we choose not to ask for help. Possibly for fear of being judged.

Law students are supposed to have it all together, right? Wrong.

I will never forget the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, when I finally accepted the fact, I would have to take a leave of absence from law school so I could focus on motherhood and financing our livelihood. When I became pregnant, I was a fulltime law student working fulltime; I had just returned home from a summer externship in Alaska. I had been voted into leadership positions and was selected to write on a legal journal.

I was ready to finish law school, and then, boom, LIFE happened. I found out I was pregnant. I decided to make some lifestyle changes. For one, I would not be able to continue working night shifts as a hotel auditor who would sometimes leave a nightshift, grab breakfast, and head directly to school with little to no sleep, just riding on fumes. That was not going to be healthy for the baby. We also decided it would be best for our family to move to a new neighborhood.

There was so much we had to factor in, so much to budget for; it became clear that law school was no longer within our budget. Although I took a leave of absence from law school, I began to work at a firm as a legal administrator so I could keep my skills sharp and stay immersed in the legal field. I never gave up on my dream of returning to law school, obtaining my Juris Doctorate degree, and becoming an attorney.

My daughter is the light of my life and my reason why. She is worth every sacrifice. Being a mother has brought me more joy than anything I have ever done in this world. Knowing that my child was with me (in my womb) as I took those bus rides to work as a legal administrator in downtown Seattle kept me moving forward. I have witnessed peers of mine graduate and ascend into the legal profession. Although it would have been “ideal” to complete my legal education years ago, it was not in the cards for me. Motherhood has taught me that we all have different paths on this journey, and I happen to be on the “road less travelled.”

As a first-generation college student, money has always been an issue.

Prior to law school, my family experienced a death that rocked us to the core emotionally and financially. Yet, we carried on because we have always carried on. Once I made it to law school, I was scrambling to keep up. I had to work extra hours just to pay for older edition textbooks and “professional clothes.” Super grateful for the law library and peers who had my back. And prayer. I would not have made it through my first year of law school without these resources.

There was a point where I accepted that I would never return to law school, and then I decided this was unacceptable because my lack of finances could never outweigh my passion for advocacy…

Manifest your dreams. Several months before I was re-enrolled in school, I began to review my 1L outlines, read case briefs, flip through my flash cards. Listening to the oral arguments in McGirt v Oklahoma “did it” for me. I had to go back to school, some way, somehow. So… I saved my money, I applied for scholarships, and I kept hope alive.

I am now back in law school. It has been somewhat challenging readjusting to the rigor, especially in the midst of a pandemic with a toddler in tow, yet I must keep it moving.



  1. Remember who YOU are and WHY you set out on this journey in the first place
  2. Meet with a mentor, financial adviser, or a trusted peer to develop a plan
  3. Apply for scholarships
  4. Build credit and look into student loans such as Sallie Mae
  5. Stay immersed within legal field (e.g. legal administration, volunteer at mock trials)
  6. Keep in contact with your legal network via social media, occasional email, Zoom meeting, etc.
  7. Never stop reading and retaining legal material
  8. Come back full throttle, but don’t forget work-life balance

So much can change in the blink of an eye…

This time last year, I was working for lawyers, however, this year, I am working to become a lawyer.

Like so many other law students and legal professionals, my journey has not been one of perfection, rather, it has been a journey of progression. For those of you who have been caught off-guard by life circumstances, REMAIN RESIIENT REGARDLESS.

As I get ready to wrap this semester, the pressure is building up. Yet, this time I know I can and will get through it.


I hope I make my daughter proud.


“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.”    ― Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg


In order to break down some of the barriers that impede access to justice, it is imperative to first identify barriers, and then develop possible solutions. There are numerous systemic and socioeconomic barriers faced by marginalized communities. Most recently, I have been working to expand access to justice in rural communities, and many people living in the rural areas that I have served during my summer fellowship happen to be Native American and Alaska Native. I am honored to be working with a team of advocates to ideate solutions to some of the challenges faced by these communities. One of the challenges we have identified is the lack of access to public assistance programs (such as food benefits, heating assistance and healthcare). It seems that many families that qualify for public assistance are not receiving benefits due to untimely delays in processing applications and recertification paperwork; this can have a disparate impact on households in need of some sort of assistance to maintain a sustainable living for themselves and their families.

Why are the delays occurring? Lack of funding can sometimes be an issue for state-funded agencies (the amount of work may sometimes exceed the amount of workers). Nonetheless, the delays in processing public assistance paperwork can be a hardship on low-income households, especially those households with children, elders, and those with disabilities. Many of the rural communities do not have nearby agency offices in their areas. Furthermore, some rural community members do not have access to the internet, cell phone connections, or transportation to travel to the office nearest them. This can create a challenge when attempting to follow-up with agencies in regards to the timely processing of paperwork or conducting scheduled phone interviews. Based on further research, it is clear these untimely delays have become a nationwide issue that disproportionately impact low-income households, especially those living in rural communities and communities of color.

One possible solution to counter the delays is to submit a fair hearing request. This process may seem somewhat simple to a legal advocate. However, due to all of the work rural and tribal offices already have with regard to serving community members, we wanted to simplify the fair hearing request process for them. Along with a supervising attorney’s input, I created a fair hearing request instruction sheet. The instruction sheet lays out timelines (e.g. how long one should wait before submitting a fair hearing request), frequently asked questions (e.g. where to send documents), and even some record-keeping tips (e.g. faxing or emailing paperwork rather than sending via post mail).

Additionally, I have created a simple tracking system. Therefore, representatives and individuals can track the date their application materials were sent in and what course of action was taken thereafter. Throughout my summer fellowship, I will continue to check in with various communities and individuals to see what progress is being made and what additional options are available. In the near future, I can only hope technology will play a role in the timely processing of paperwork that directly correlates with the livelihood of low-income residents and families in need.


“Hunger is not a problem. It is an obscenity. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

–Anne Frank

I can admit it. I am not the most organized person on the planet. But then again, who is? In the legal field (and in life), there can be a lot piled on your plate…at one time. Sometimes you may wonder how you will accomplish all of your tasks. Well, there is a simple solution that has worked wonders for me this summer- Agile Planning Methodology (also referred to as the Agile Movement). Agile development consists of three simple steps: 1) develop the items in your queue, which can be a list of goals or ideas for implementation of your project 2) develop your release backlog (this will include the projects or steps you will focus on during your first cycle); 3) determine a sprint cycle time (e.g. two weeks into the project you will meet with your team or supervisors to review what you have completed in your release backlog and what still needs to be worked on). This third step also includes iteration, which is pretty much repeating the process (steps 1-3) until your project goals are met. One way you can manage your progress is with a visual board (can be physical) or you can manage your progress by using a virtual board. There are several free web-based project planning boards such as Trello (

This summer, I have found the third phase provides the opportunity to implement necessary changes. The sprint cycle review process is really a brainstorming session of sorts. This part of the process consists of meeting with your team (or client) to discuss goals, possible barriers, and tactical solutions. As such, the weekly meetings with colleagues and supervisors have been quite insightful. For instance, we have weekly case review to discuss cases (or projects) we may be working on. We give a brief synopsis of a current case (or project) and possible strategies to achieve the client (or project) goals. We then open up the time for other legal staff to weigh in. They may bring up applicable case law, pertinent resources, and other strategies for success. This process is very useful, not only for new attorneys, but also as a general collaborative effort between experienced legal professionals. The meeting need not be three or four hours. A lot can be done during the course of an hour (depending on the size of the group and the amount of matters to be discussed). I have received immense feedback and strategies from my supervising attorneys regarding the recent Adoption CLE-certified webinar I was assigned to create. Aside from logistics and strategic planning, opportunities arise during these meetings. As such, during a recent team meeting with other interns and our supervising attorneys, I was offered an incredible opportunity to assist with a special project that will essentially provide access to vital resources which are needed for Alaskan families, low-income residents, and those with disabilities. This is exactly the type of project I am passionate about; this is why I decided to immerse myself in the legal field in the first place

Agile Movement for Life…Literally
Project management skills are not just limited to law offices or business practices. Agile Methodology can become a way of life. I have been using this process to manage my daily tasks outside of the office. I still use a day planner, (along with Trello). I find that using a day planner, a calendar, and a web-based planner allow me to be more efficient, accountable, and plan accordingly. I even schedule “me time” on my board, because it is imperative to have a work-life balance, especially with so much knowledge about mental health being just as significant as physical health (we will delve deeper into this topic at a later time). It is imperative to take care of ourselves in “real life” in order to be productive in our “work life”. Efficient planning, prioritizing responsibilities, and brainstorming with others in your area of expertise can lead to success. It is time to be productive. It is time to embrace agility. It is time to get with the movement. The winds of change are blowing.

“Agility is the ability to adapt and respond to change…agile organizations view change as an opportunity, not a threat.“ -Jim Highsmith

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Let’s be frank. For lawyers in the 21st century, the legal landscape is ever-changing and technology is playing a vital role in this progress. Mobile applications, chatbots, and automated processes (just to name a few), are being deployed throughout the legal community. I will admit, I am a bit “old school.” I still write letters, I still wash my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, I even use a physical day planner. Like many others, I found the movie “IRobot” to be a bit creepy (not Will Smith, just the rebellious robots). Artificial intelligence can be somewhat terrifying. However, the thought of so many people’s legal needs being unmet is even more terrifying. If I have to step out of my comfort zone to create access to justice, so be it. After attending Seattle’s first-ever Social Justice Hackathon last year. I was motivated to take on an Access to Justice Technology Fellowship this summer. The training and live webinars provided by the ATJ Tech Fellows Program have been imperative in regards to refining skills, methods and resources for legal technology fellows. My host site this summer is in Anchorage, Alaska. So far, I have had the opportunity to assist in the development of tools, forms, and processes all geared toward expanding access to justice.


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Low income should not equate to low levels of justice. This is why legal aid organizations across the United States are providing free legal services to low-income clients facing civil legal matters. My first assignment consists of utilizing technology to facilitate the delivery of legal education materials, legal forms. The training tools are located in an online legal data bank designed to aid attorneys. Legal databanks are a vital resource for pro bono attorneys as well as attorneys who seek additional training in a given area of law. As such, I have been preparing and assisting with the production of live video webinars and archived video presentations. The first webinar I produced focuses on the adoption process in Alaska. I am also in the process of creating accessible materials that specifically embody legal issues faced by Alaska Native and American Indians, in addition to working on an Elder Justice Project. In my “spare” time, I have been researching the logistics of building a chatbot (an additional accessibility tool). Stay tuned for updates on these projects throughout the summer!

Why the Need for Tech in the Last Frontier?

Having access to an online legal data bank allows attorneys to undergo necessary training, access required forms, and refer back to the steps pertinent to their case. Simply put, it saves time! LESS TIME SPENT LEADS TO MORE CLIENTS SERVED…

This option saves supervising attorneys ample time by providing the educational materials on the front end. For instance, if a pro bono attorney is taking on a case in an area of law in which they need additional training, the pro bono attorney can refer to the live webinars and then direct any logistical or procedural questions to their supervising attorney. Not having to draft the forms from the initial phase saves time and also ensures efficiency. Along with producing training materials for attorneys, I enjoy creating accessible resources for people seeking legal assistance. For instance, I am working on technical and content improvements for a website which is dedicated to providing Alaska’s Native Tribes with resources regarding tribal courts and Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) proceedings. The goal is to make the site more user and mobile friendly, allowing online users to access the content directly from their phone. Advocates are continuously discovering increased access to resources inevitably leads to increased access to justice.

“Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.” –Ban Ki-moon